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Mangosteen Fruit “ Queen of Fruits ”

Mangosteen Fruit “ Queen of Fruits ”
Thai name call: Mung-Khud

The Mangosteen of Thailand: A Healthier, More Value-Added Fruit

The mangosteen was first discovered in 1825 by Sir Stamford Raffles who was an English botanist who had been appointed as Lieutenant-Governor of Java and co-founder of Singapore by the British East India Company. He was exploring the Malay Peninsula when he found this strange looking fruit with a purple skin that he had never seen before. He named it after his wife’s name which was Lady Mangostein.

The mangosteen is a fruit that is native to Thailand and Southeast Asia it has been cultivated there for centuries. It is the national fruit of the country, and it is often called the “Queen of Fruits” by locals. The mangosteen has a sweet, tangy flavor that makes it perfect for desserts, juices, smoothies and cocktails.

The mangosteen is a tropical fruit that is found in Southeast Asia. It is a round, purple-skinned fruit with white flesh inside. The mangosteen has been called the “Queen of Fruits” and it is also known as the Thai people Mangosteen” or “Mung-Khud”.

The mangosteen has an excellent nutritional profile and contains many antioxidants, including xanthones, which are believed to be responsible for its health benefits.

What is the Mangosteen?

Mangosteen is a tropical fruit that is native to Southeast Asia. It is thought to have originated in the Sunda region of Indonesia and Southeast Asia.

It is a rare fruit, and it has been introduced to other parts of the world, such as the United States, where it has become popular for its many health benefits.

Mangosteens in Thailand

Mangosteens are a tropical fruit that is native to Southeast Asia. They are grown in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. The name mangosteen comes from the Thailand word “Mung-Khud”.

Mangosteens are a very popular fruit in Thailand and they have been exported to many other countries. This is because of their many health benefits such as being rich in antioxidants, vitamins A and C, potassium, calcium and zinc. Mangosteens can be eaten raw or cooked as well as used for making juice, jam or jelly.

Mangoes or Mangosteens?

Do you know the difference between mangoes and mangosteens? If not, don't worry. There are lots of people who have no idea what they are. Mangoes and mangosteens are two different types of tropical fruits that come from the same family. They both have a similar taste but there are some key differences in how they grow and their nutritional value.

Mangosteens grow on trees, while mangoes grow on bushes or vines. Mangosteen fruits are smaller than mangoes and usually have a purple skin with white flesh inside. Mangoes usually have a yellow skin with orange flesh inside. Mangosteen skins tend to be thicker than those of mangoes which means it is less likely to get bruised during transportation or storage while mangos skins can be damaged more easily.

Mangosteens contain more fiber than mangoes do which means that they can help you feel full for longer periods of time without adding too many calories

Health Benefits of Mangos and Mangosteens

Mangosteens and mangos are two of the most popular tropical fruits in the world. Mangosteens are a little more popular than mangos, but both of them have many health benefits for you to keep in mind.

Mangosteens are a subtropical fruit that is native to Southeast Asia. They can be found all over southeast Asia, India, and Australia. Mangosteen is known for its purple skin with white flesh on the inside that has a sweet taste.

Mangos are a tropical fruit that is native to South America, Central America, and Africa. They can be found all over tropical regions of the world including Mexico, Brazil, and India. Mangoes have yellow or orange skin with juicy flesh on the inside that tastes sweet or sour depending on where they come from.

Both mangosteens and mangos have many health benefits for you to keep in mind when eating these delicious fruits!


Mangosteens are rich in antioxidants and contain vitamin C, which is a good source of anti-aging. They also have a low sugar content, making them the perfect fruit for people with diabetes. Mangosteens are also very high in fiber and protein, which helps to regulate blood sugar levels.

Mangosteens have many health benefits that make them worth trying to include more in your diet.

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